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Medication Forms

Parent Notice Regarding Medication at School

In accordance with California Education Code Section 49422 and 49423 any student who is required to take medication or receive a health related procedure that is prescribed by a physician during the regular school day, may be assisted by the school nurse or other designated school personnel if the district receives the following:

  1. A written statement from the physician detailing the method, amount and time schedules that the medication or procedure is to be administered and a written statement from the student’s parent or guardian authorizing the school district to administer the medication or procedure. No medication, whether prescribed, over-the-counter, or approved as a self-carry, will be administered in school unless the necessary forms are completed by both physician and parent.
  2. Medication must be brought into the school office in the original prescription bottle labeled with the student’s name, DOB, physician’s name, name of medication, dose to be given, time to be given, and expiration date.
  3. All medications must be brought to the school office by an adult and reviewed with the health technician.
  4. All controlled medicine, like Ritalin, must be counted, verified with a health technician and recorded on a medicine log when brought to the school.


Contact the school health office if you have any questions. Forms for medication administration or procedures are available below and at your child’s school.



All Other Medications