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Cell Phones & Mobile Communication Devices

Carlsbad Unified Cell Phone/Mobile Communication Device Expectations for District Students

[PLACEHOLDER CONTENT] Turpis egestas sed tempus urna et pharetra pharetra massa. Scelerisque felis imperdiet proin fermentum leo vel orci. Tincidunt id aliquet risus feugiat. Vel pretium lectus quam id leo in vitae turpis massa. Ut aliquam purus sit amet. Vitae turpis massa sed elementum. Urna et pharetra pharetra massa massa ultricies mi. 


The district recognizes that the use of smartphones and other mobile communication devices on campus may have some benefits, but could be disruptive of the instructional program if not regulated.  The following policies and practices are designed to promote a respectful learning environment while minimizing distractions to maximize learning.  

CUSD is a 1:1 district at grades 5-12, meaning that all students at grades 5-12 have a district issued device for educational activities.  Students at the elementary grades have access to educational technology as needed during the school day.  Therefore, there is limited need for cell phones in a non-emergency educational setting.

In accordance with California Education Code 48901.7, the district may enact the following policy to limit the use of cell phones on campus with limited exceptions outlined therein.  At all grade levels, an administrator or teacher may allow a student to use a cell phone/mobile communication device at a defined time and for a specific purpose.  

District Policies By Grade Span

High School:  High school students may not use cell phones, smart watches, pagers, or other mobile communication devices during instructional time. Mobile communication devices shall be turned off and kept out of sight during instructional time. Instructional time shall be defined as any scheduled class period and any other time during the school day when students are expected to be engaged in a learning activity.

During non-instructional time, high school students may use cell phones, smart watches, pagers, or other mobile communication devices on campus as long as the device is utilized in accordance with law, the district Acceptable Use Agreement, and any rules that individual school sites may impose.

Elementary and Middle School:  Students must have all mobile communication devices turned off and kept out of sight during the school day, both in and out of the classroom. 


Best Practices for Teachers, Administrators, Families, and Students

Teacher Best Practice #1: Teachers should include the above cell phone/mobile communication device  policy language in their syllabus, on their individual teacher websites (if applicable), in back to school presentations, and in formal paperwork distributed to students, parents/guardians. There should be at least one prominently displayed/visible student cell phone/mobile communication device poster (supplied by the district) in each classroom. 

Administration Best Practice #1: Administration should include the above and below language in beginning-of-the-year communications to students/parents/guardians. Posters should be prominently displayed in the office and other communal areas on campus. 

Administration Best Practice #2:  Site administration, particularly at high school where cell phones/mobile communication devices are allowed to be used during non-instructional time, should remind teachers to begin the period of instruction by welcoming students and reminding them to turn off cell phones/mobile communication devices, put them away and remove earbuds. 

Parent/Guardian Best Practice #1: Parents and guardians are asked to review the cell phone/mobile communication device policy with their student(s) and to support teachers and administrators in maintaining a distraction-free learning environment.

Student Best Practice #1: Review the cell phone/mobile communication device policy and ensure that cell phones/mobile communication devices are turned off and put away during instructional time (HS) or at all times on campus (MS/ES).  If you have any questions, please speak with your principal.

Student Best Practice #2: Focus on learning and personal interaction with teachers and classmates during the school day to maximize learning opportunities in the school environment. Enjoy online activities, social media (if appropriate), and virtual communication outside of school hours.

Violation Protocol
The following examples outline common policies for handling student cell phone/mobile communication device usage violations to provide for consistent enforcement and minimize potential conflicts between teachers/administrators and students/parents/guardians.  School sites may adopt more stringent protocols and teachers/administrators will communicate site-specific policies to students and families at the start of each school year.

First Offense: Student warning

Second Offense: Student warning, teacher contact to parent recommended, teacher/staff may take device

Third Offense: Teacher/staff takes device to be returned to student at the end of day/class period, teachers contact parent, referral to office for documentation in student information system

Fourth Offense: Device delivered by teacher/staff to office for pick up after school, contact parent, referral to office for documentation in student information system

Additional progressive discipline measures will be employed as needed.

Effective communication between teachers, administrators, and parents/guardians is crucial throughout the process. It is essential for teachers to promptly report violations and administrators to ensure the appropriate steps are taken to address them. By adhering to this progressive approach, we aim to maintain fair and consistent enforcement of the cell phone usage policy while minimizing conflicts and power struggles in the classroom.

Cell Phone Classroom Poster – High School

Cell Phone Classroom Poster – Elementary/Middle School

Cell Phone Tips from Teens – from Education Week

Three boys are standing outside. They are smiling and laughing.