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Local Control Accountability Plan - LCAP

2024-27 Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP)

Current Board Approved Plans

2024-2027 Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP)

2024-2025 LCAP Federal Addendum


Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP)

Under the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF), all Local Educational Agencies (LEAs) are required to adopt an LCAP, which describes how they intend to meet annual goals for all pupils, with specific activities to address state and local priorities identified pursuant to Education Code Section 52060(d).


California school districts must engage with families, students, educators, employees, and the community to develop the district’s LCAP. The LCAP will describe the school district’s overall vision for students, annual goals, and specific actions that will be taken to achieve the vision and goals. The LCAP must focus on the eight areas identified as state priorities. The plan will also demonstrate how the district’s budget will help achieve the goals, and will annually assess how well the strategies in the plan were able to improve outcomes.


Board Approved Plans from Previous Years

2023-2024 Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP)

2023-2024 LCAP Federal Addendum

2022-2024 Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP)

2022-2023 LCAP Federal Addendum

Proposed 2024-2025 LCAP Plan

Dear Stakeholders:

We want to thank the more than 4,675 members of the CUSD community who took the time to participate in our online survey and/or community meetings regarding the 2024-25 Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP).

As part of the State requirement, the Superintendent is called upon to provide members of the public one additional opportunity to submit comments regarding the actions, services, and expenditures proposed in next year’s plan.  

An email address has been established at to receive any additional input from members of the public regarding the draft LCAP.   

The Carlsbad Unified School District will also be holding a Public Hearing as noted: 

Public Hearing Information
Date: Wednesday, June 12
Time: 6:00 PM
Location: Carlsbad Unified School District, 6225 El Camino Real, Carlsbad, CA 92009

About LCAP

In Carlsbad Unified, our day-to-day work is driven by the goals outlined in our three-year strategic planning document, called the Local Control Accountability Plan, or LCAP. The LCAP is an important part of California’s Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF), established in 2014. The LCAP describes how school districts intend to meet annual goals for all students, with specific activities to address state and local priorities.

The California State PTA provides a comprehensive overview of LCFF/LCAP: click here for more info.

The process to develop and finalize the LCAP takes about 10 months, beginning in January each year. The LCAP is designed to be a rolling three-year plan.  

There are many ways for stakeholders to engage in the LCAP process, as you will see below. The Board of Trustees is tasked with collecting stakeholder input, identifying priorities for inclusion in the plan, and approving an annual budget to support the plan. The process below has been developed to ensure multiple opportunities for parents, staff, students, and community members to provide feedback on the plan. After receiving input from the community, it is up to the Board of Trustees to make the final decision on what our District priorities will be.


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Click here to view 2023 CUSD LCAP.