STEAM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math. Makerspaces, or STEAM Labs, include flexible furniture and specialized equipment for creating, designing, brainstorming, and hosting whole class or large group meetings. STEAM labs combine the best elements of traditional science labs with modern learning tools to help students create using design, critical thinking, problem-solving, engineering, and fabrication principles.
STEAM labs have been created on elementary school campuses that have undergone modernization - Magnolia, Hope, Kelly, and Jefferson. Newer campuses, Poinsettia and Pacific Rim received a new modular 1,920-square-foot building. Projects are currently in design for Buena Vista, Calavera Hills, and Aviara Oaks.
Public Presentations:
Districtwide Projects 11.14.2018
Districtwide Projects 1.10.2019 and 1.15.2019
Districtwide Projects 1.23.2019
Districtwide Relocatables 4.17.2019
STEAM Labs 8.21.2019 Final Design Approval
Relocatables 8.21.2019 Final Design Approval
STEAM Lab at Buena Vista 9.18.2019
Phase 1 Overview of Changes 10.16.2019