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Maintenance & Operations

About M&O

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The Maintenance and Operations Department is a service focussed team dedicated to supporting the overall success of the Carlsbad Unified School District students and staff. We strive to provide safe, healthy, clean, and appealing environments on a continual basis. These services enhance student achievement and amplify the existing pride within our students, staff, and the community we serve.



work order qr code

Please be sure to include the school site, room #, and/or the specific location of the problem in the description.






You can find service dates and filter changes for our HVAC mechanical units on our spreadsheet.


The M&O Department is committed to employee safety with responsible handling and use of chemicals.  This safety includes the annual staff hazardous communication training (HAZCOM), proper secondary container labels, and Safety Data Sheets (SDS).  In addition to the availability of printed SDS, we have an online database for access to all updated applicable SDS utilized by the M&O Department



Project proposals are for all projects on a site that are not a general repair or service that would normally be completed through an M&O work order. These projects will include a modification or change that impacts any portion of a school site grounds or buildings. These must first be approved for completion prior to the commitment to or start of work or services by anyone.

Please contact the Director of M&O with your brief project overview, follow-up directions regarding the submission process, and timelines as appropriate.





CUSD is committed to the diversion of waste products from our landfills as a standard practice in as many avenues as available. We have active mixed recycling programs, landscape composting, and organics composting. In addition to these steps we also have active programs in place to address electronic waste, lamp and battery recycling, metal recycling, tire recycling, and hazardous waste handling for all sites.

  • AB2048 Compliance documents
  • The diversion rate is measured in both yardage to account for the volume of space diverted and by tonnage to account for the weight diverted
  • The diversion rate for CUSD for 2023 was 59.61% by yardage and 58.96% by tonnage.
  • The diversion rate for CUSD through the 1st Qtr of 2024 is 56.82% by yardage and 55.60% by tonnage.



The Healthy Schools Act of 2000 was signed into law September 2000 and requires that all schools provide parents or guardians of students with annual written notification of expected pesticide use on school sites when children are not present.  Notification will identify the active ingredient or ingredients in each pesticide product and will include the Internet address for further information on pesticides and their alternatives.  We will send out annual notifications in September of each year.

  • School District Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Plan
  • IPM Program
  • To be notified in advance of individual pesticide applications please click submit and follow instructions to request notification.  If you have any further questions or concerns related to this matter please contact Erick Kroenke, Director of Maintenance and Operations, via email.
  • List of pesticides and their active ingredients that could be used on our school sites during the school calendar year of 2023-2024 follows below.